Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Years, 2 days Early

With Bastian growing and growing, I don't have a lot of time to blog anymore. So, I have to do this when I get the time. Bastian is napping on his daddy, so I suppose that means I have the time to blog, right?

Every year I make resolutions, and I rarely ever follow through with them. I could resolve to follow through with my resolutions, but my track record shows that that won't really work anyway. Despite that, I will resolve to follow through on my resolutions and to put into effect some means of a checks and balances system in order to make sure these things are done. So, here goes:

My New Year's Resolutions are thus:

1. Lose Weight
- My goal in this is to lose 10% of my body weight within 6 months, and then 10% of that body weight in the remaining 6 months.
- Develop an exercise program and stick with it. It must contain some kind of cardio and strength training 3-4 times a week.
- Reduce intake of sugar.
- Drink 3-4 glasses of water daily

- Make necessary cuts of people who stress me out.
- Recite an affirmation everyday
- 15 minutes of Mommy Meditation time at night
- Once a week, blog about 3 positive things that happened that week even if it is just waking up to my husband and son

3. Do well in school

4. Get health in check so I can obtain employment
-Take all medications as scheduled
- Watch my diabetes
- keep all appointments

5. Be a better Mommy, Wife, and Daughter

x-posted to Facebook, Livejournal, Blogger

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