Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Years, 2 days Early

With Bastian growing and growing, I don't have a lot of time to blog anymore. So, I have to do this when I get the time. Bastian is napping on his daddy, so I suppose that means I have the time to blog, right?

Every year I make resolutions, and I rarely ever follow through with them. I could resolve to follow through with my resolutions, but my track record shows that that won't really work anyway. Despite that, I will resolve to follow through on my resolutions and to put into effect some means of a checks and balances system in order to make sure these things are done. So, here goes:

My New Year's Resolutions are thus:

1. Lose Weight
- My goal in this is to lose 10% of my body weight within 6 months, and then 10% of that body weight in the remaining 6 months.
- Develop an exercise program and stick with it. It must contain some kind of cardio and strength training 3-4 times a week.
- Reduce intake of sugar.
- Drink 3-4 glasses of water daily

- Make necessary cuts of people who stress me out.
- Recite an affirmation everyday
- 15 minutes of Mommy Meditation time at night
- Once a week, blog about 3 positive things that happened that week even if it is just waking up to my husband and son

3. Do well in school

4. Get health in check so I can obtain employment
-Take all medications as scheduled
- Watch my diabetes
- keep all appointments

5. Be a better Mommy, Wife, and Daughter

x-posted to Facebook, Livejournal, Blogger

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas to you, and your stupid dog too.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Bastian has opened his presents. If you call what we did opening. Since he's 3 month old, we put some of his presents into a stocking and took them out and showed them to him. He enjoyed them. Then we read The Christmas Story and watched Horton Hears a Who. He's napping now.

It didn't go off without a hitch, however. Chuck and CJ came over, and Chuck brought his stupid dog. This dog is an untrained Doberman that likes to be in everyone's face. He scares Bastian, and no one seems to care. So now, we get to keep Bastian in the bedroom for most of the day because dumbass brought his stupid dog. Yeah, Merry frickin' Christmas to you too, asshole.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Ah, it's Thursday

It is 10:34 AM on a snowy Thursday morning. Good grief, I would much rather be sleeping. And little guy is taking a nap with grandma, so why aren't I? Oh yeah, because the dentist office called me bright and early to see if I could take an appointment today. I decided, no, I wanted to wait until this infection is gone before I let them create anymore open wounds in my mouth. So, here I sit, a comfortable 56 degrees in the room and steadily rising because, apparently, I am the only one who thinks 56 is comfortable. Waiting for my little guy to get up. Mom and Chris are supposed to put plastic up on the windows, so I will take my shift with Bastian then. And while Chris does the litterbox. Then I might let Chris have some time with his son so I can send out a thing to my advisor and help Mom get the bulk of the housework done. If we split it up, we can do it! Theeeennnnnnn... family bonding time over Frosty or Rudolph or some other Christmas show I've seen a million and one times but Bastian would absolutely adore? I think we can fanagle that.

I woke up nearly painless today. How long it will last, I have no idea, but I think it is a good sign. Maybe sooner rather than later I will wake up completely painless and stay that way. Huzzah! A little bit of the no pain thing until I get my wisdom teeth out please.

Chris got his new phone yesterday. He is adoring it. If you want the number message me on facebook. All I ask is that you remember it is not my phone, don't spam me with messages, get upset because I can not answer right away, or expect me to run the phone bill up calling you all the time. Chris is nice enough to let me use it, don't abuse that privilege.

It's beginning to feel a little more like Christmas with the white snow and the ice and the just general YUCK. Yule... ahhhhh... I get to have more work done on my teeth. So much fun.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

December 1st

Happy December, everyone!

December offers holidays such as Yule and the Christian/secular Christmas. We got Bastian a new car seat stroller combination for Christmas, a Christmas outfit, new pack of bottles to get rid of the ones daddy and I hate, and new pacifiers. He's two months old, there's not a whole lot we can give the little guy.

First snow was last night. Yay. Not really. The next couple of weeks are super busy. We have a meeting with OWF today at one, tomorrow I have WIC at 1030, a doctor's appointment at 2. 3, 4, 5 nothing. 6th Chris has therapy and a doctors appointment. 7th nothing, 8th Chris has to be at OSU for an appointment with the neurosurgeon. 9th therapy for me. And then, so far nothing until the 13th when we both go in for dentist work. But we'll have therapy and random stuff that just isn't scheduled yet. Busy busy busy.

Todays plans: OWF @ 1PM, put laundry away, dust dining room/living room, floors, litterbox, update Bastian's baby book.